Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Busy With A Purpose

100%!! "Whatever you are planning or developing could use an extra set of eyes, and possibly, hands to help you complete deadlines". I wish I did have someone who could help me with this as I am feeling exhausted! The only thing is that this is my project and no other friends or colleagues that I could ask to help with this would be able to as they would not know what to do to help me anyway! I have set myself deadlines but murphy's law something will happen to throw a spanner in the works! But, they happen for a reason. These reasons give me the opportunity to "panelbeat" the hiccups I encounter along the way. Today I was supposed to start the coding on the new website...well that never happened...I had to "panelbeat" some documents as they were not 100%. I so want to have this project up and running by Christmas but I have now lost another two days to unforeseen hiccups. At night I try and read to just shut the chatter off in my head but next I find I have the book on my chest and I am reading through closed eyelids!! Then early hours of the morning I find I am awake again with all kinds of ideas racing through my head...I am exhausted but have no regrets as it will all be so worth it when I have completed this project. time for some coffee and perhaps two blocks of chocolate to motivate me...hahaha....and then I hear this song "Growing Pains" and I had a good chuckle as it almost relates to me right now..."I've always been a go-getter" also so funny!

Today's Daily Angel Card Message for Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Fairy Tarot by Radleigh Valentine (Doreen Virtue, PhD)

The Three of Autumn (Pentacles) reveals a powerful secret in the early stages of your developing plans. Notice that this faery isn't rich, which is suggested by his clothes, footwear, and other apparel. However, he is engrossed in the design of his work. If it was about the immediate rewards of money, success, and achievement, he would probably have chosen a different path. It might look more like a hobby than a career, but his face shows that it's something more, as he's deeply invested in the service he provides. It gives his life purpose and meaning. The activity structures his time and energy, and keeps him from falling into a slump, which can happen when we don't channel our gifts. Our soul is able to nourish our lives when we are fulfilling a goal that allows us to share the joy and love in our hearts. This is the powerful secret to remember and prioritize. The challenges that come up when we're processing the downloads of new information, perspective, and creativity help us to move forward in reaching those higher goals which are on the horizon. The floodgates of ideas and innovations are available to you, and the possibilities are far more vast than you can imagine. You are about to experience an amplification of opportunities to help you succeed!

First, the angels want you to know that you have a team of support at your disposal. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need, and don't hesitate to get involved in anything that really calls to your spirit. Trust and be open to others whom you might find it useful to collaborate with. Pay attention to like-minded people you connect with, and feel comfortable in sharing your ideas and skills. Whatever you are planning or developing could use an extra set of eyes, and possibly, hands to help you complete deadlines. This might be related to work or some event you're preparing for the holidays. Keep this in mind, especially if you have a large production of some kind to pull off. Don't try to do this without support. Although, you enjoy doing it, it isn't wise to overwork yourself when you could have more fun doing it with friends or colleagues, who share your passion and enthusiasm for the project. In this instance, it feels like the more the merrier to help you perfect the finer details. You might want to carefully select people who have a particular talent and skill for those details, which you can't oversee. However, knowing that you have connected the right people with the task, which matches their abilities, will allow you and them to breathe more easily, and everyone can enjoy themselves with more pleasure as they fulfill their purpose.

Trust that this hobby can actually become a source of income. You are already applying your heart, time, and energy. It's the same formula of success for any great career or work. Just because you enjoy yourself more than some other things you have done, doesn't make it any less of a career. If you have suddenly found something that creates sparks for you, consider it more seriously as a possible opportunity for a profession. This situation may flip your idea of what success is. This faery doesn't seem to be very lucky outwardly, but his devotion reflects its worth and importance. He's in a state of creativity, where he's deeply involved in decisions that require quick responses, open mindedness, reserves of imagination, and a freedom of expression and spiritual independence. There's no worries about what others are thinking, and there's no fragmentation of his focus or mission. A blueprint of inspired wisdom and perspective is shaping the design along with the tools of his knowledge, talents, and skills. No matter how successful the outcome, you don't ever wish to lose your connection with these values and powerful attributes. The impact of the internal changes you're discovering is placing you in alignment with these newly revealed insights.

The angel numbers 500 and 88 come for you, as an important part of this reading. The first says, “Your renewed spiritual devotion has connected you to God's infinite wisdom. Follow God's guidance to make healthy changes in your life.” The second says, “This is a very auspicious and favorable sign about your finances. Your actions, prayers, visualisations, and manifestation work have resulted in a large inflow of abundance. Open your arms and receive!” The message is highlighting for you to acknowledge the changes or change in direction, as something that has already taken hold of you in your life. You are already committed to it, and this makes it spiritual, because your soul's wisdom and love has begun to infuse it with its pure form of freedom and joy. This has caused the auspicious events to begin unfolding. As long as you continue to acknowledge this commitment and devotion, and keep taking the steps, which have compelled you, the abundance of ideas, support, compensation, and other opportunities will continue to flow. This passion is healing you and improving your life starting with the way you feel. This boost of enthusiasm and joy will uplift you, and inspire you to perceive the blessings pouring out to you from the cooperative universe. Don't resist the changes. It is good to be busy with a purpose! May the Source be with you always!


When I when I finish the writing the time was 4:49 p.m. This angel message reads, “The Angels and mighty archangels are supporting your life purpose and spiritually based work. Move forward confidently in the direction of your career dreams.”
Any work that uplifts your heart and soul is a spiritually based work.

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