Monday, May 4, 2020

Literally And Figuritively Drained

This past week I was literally and figuritively DRAINED 😒. Sunday I started feeling strange. Loss of appetite already told me something is wrong. I usually eat supper latest 19:30. The way I felt reminded me of the time I had double pneumonia a few years ago. I eventually only got hungry at 10 on Sunday night. During the course of the night I had a high temperature. Monday morning got up. Felt bleh..I just couldn't keep my eyes open! Then the chills started. I crawled back into bed. I slept until after 11. Got up. Was hungry, ate my muesli. Next thing I have to run...cos I have the runs! So now I google symptoms. Alarm bells and panic sets in. Well, I have to ride it out. I have mild symptoms. No cough. No shortness of breath. I can breathe fine. As the day goes on I feel better. Even ate supper. During the night things change again. Temperature so high that I need to get up and keep my face in cold water. Morning comes I need to get up quickly. I barely make it. It's just water!! This carries on til mid morning. Then I start feeling better again but no energy. Tuesday night hardly ate. During the night have to change PJ's twice as they are drenched with perspiration. In the morning I barely get to the loo. Still water! I feel so weak. Back to bed. It was crazy how it came in waves. When I spoke to Rita or Jason or Sharon on the phone it sounded like I was dying. Yet when I spoke to Angie or Karin or Fazila, I sounded normal. Wednesday the stomach cramps started. No matter what I went straight through! I was going to phone the Doctor later on Wednesday but then felt fine again. Wednesday after I had showered and washed my hair, I took the hairdryer and blasted the hot air around my nose. I remembered seeing a video somewhere where some chinese doctor recommended doing this if you thought you were infected. Yeah I know...I ONLY started coughing when I pulled that stunt!!! Did I curse that chinese doctor from a dizzy height in my mind!! Anyways, Wednesday night I even cooked up some homemade chicken soup. It was delicious! And then bam...that night was my worst ever in terms of drenched PJ's...chills and cramps. Thursday morning I never made it to the loo...I called my Doctor that morning!! Now a different procedure. If you suspect you are infected you can't just make an appointment. The doctor calls you to assess you first. Which my Doctor did. He asked me my symptoms. Asked me to breathe deep, in and out, through my nose, then again through my mouth, to establish a dry cough. The cough I developed from the hairdryer stunt had disappeared. I told my doc about that and he said it's all BS. Anyways, he said it does not sound like I have been infected with cv19 but that I do have a bacterial diarohea which is doing the rounds. He suggested I come for a blood test and if it does not show as this germ that he suspects, then he would do the cv test on the weekend. In my state as I lock the house I realise I have locked my house keys in the house!!! Panic stations at first until I "think" again. Right, call the landlord for the spare keys. Sorted. Had the blood test. My doctor said he would call later with the results. He only called Friday morning. So its a bacterial diarohea that I have. He is concerned that my illness rate for this (he called it Cp something or other. This test can tell how ill you actually are) is very high at 60% and says I need to get the antibiotics asap as well as something called smecta which binds the stomach and a probiotic. So as soon as I got the script I raced off to get the meds, like a child able to spend money on sweets!! So far so good. The doc and I still joked when he asked my email adress...I said its marina2...but after this week there's only one of us sitting on the couch!! 😂😂😂 Today is Monday. I am slowly but surely getting better! I am still battling to get my energy back, but hey, after a frigging week of hell...that should be understandable!

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