Thursday, November 4, 2021

Rose Coloured Glasses

Lookin' at the world through rose-coloured glasses
Everything is rosy now
Lookin' at the world and everything that passes
Seems a rosy hue somehow...

If we can make ourselves feel better by seeing things through sunglasses, surely wearing rose-coloured glasses is even better! Expecting the best possible outcome of events often leads to just that. A positive outlook not only encompasses the way we calculate risk but also how we perceive our current ability to thrive. While thinking positively is beneficial, it’s important not to push away negative feelings altogether. Whatever life throws at us, we have some control over our perceptions. And, choosing positivity may mean we look at a less-clear version of the truth. One of the most important decisions a person will ever make is what they choose to believe.

We all know that seeing something through rose-coloured glasses means you see it as better than it really is, but did you ever wonder where this idiom originated? Oh well, who really cares! No matter what the origin of the idiom is, seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses really does make the world a better place. The reds are incredibly red, the greens lush, the blues truly electric! So I will just continue looking at the world through my rose-coloured glasses. 😂