Thursday, August 17, 2023

Holding The Cards Close To My Chest

For over twenty years I've lived in various communities where I haven't been able to make a place for myself. No matter how much I did for people, no matter how much care I put into the relationships, it wasn't returned. People wanted me to do favours for them, but never wanted to be there, for me. I've been questioning if the common denominator is me. What am I doing wrong, that puts people off from me that makes them take advantage of my good intentions and not care about me as a person? I've really been working on myself the last five years, and I feel like I've grown beyond just having that stinger at the ready. Not that they'd know, or even care. I don't think they even know or care how much they have hurt me over those years. I feel like I belong somewhere else, but I don't know where that is. So how can I go, if I don't know where to go? More of a where, than a who? If my heart knows, it should step it up for me.