Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chickens and Eggs

Grab a cuppa - it is thought provoking!

The greatest potential, I have discovered, is almost always overlooked. The troubled child grows up to be the respected leader, the gentle rainfall becomes the mightiest river and, more often than not, the tiniest acorn produces the grandest tree. In hindsight, final circumstances seem so obvious, so important and so very permanent. But how did we miss the beginning?

It's human nature, I suppose, to be mesmerized by the now and see the end as the only meaningful reality. It helps unclutter the mind and, for a brief moment, life is kept simple. But, ultimately, there is a tremendous cost.

Many of us will witness a quick glimpse, for better or worse, of our own future. Long-term relationships, parent/child dynamics and complicated family decisions will most likely be the areas of concern. Some, however, may feel this manifest in the areas of past life knowledge, dramatic romantic changes or the emotional significance of childhood events.

How did this all begin? What is the essential message of this experience? Where is all this going? It is important that we witness the cyclical nature of life's message. And, from a spiritual perspective, it is absolutely vital that we complete the circle.

And so, many of us will unearth a great personal insight and, begin to appreciate the unique relationship between beginnings and endings. The world, or the end result, will soon change and the meaning of those changes, or the original intentions, will first be witnessed on an individual level. People will feel it before the world will see it.

And given the true nature of “chickens and eggs” those changing circumstances may be far more complicated and painful than anticipated. It's important, however, to remember the original intention of creation. Refuse to mistake discomfort for completion. For each chapter that closes, another begins.

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