Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Funny And Embarrassing Moments

Oops! We have all at one time or another in our lives had these moments. The most common being embarrasing moments. You find yourself with your face turning bright red. You just want to hide yourself. You've just done something totally embarrassing, and it feels like everyone is staring at you and giggling. Maybe everyone IS staring at you and giggling. Hey, it happens to everybody.

I have had quite a few memorable embarrassing moments which I have found quite hilarious! I remember when I used to catch the bus when I worked at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Inevitably the bus was always packed to capacity which resulted in most people standing in the aisle of the bus. One day it was my turn to be standing. I was at the front of the bus standing where there were two compartments either side where one could put suitcases or bags and this compartment had a rail in front. So there I am, one minute standing and the next thing, as the bus took a corner quite sharply, there I was flat on my back in the compartment, on top of the suitcases and bags with my legs hanging over the rail!! Bwahahaha...not very lady like when you are wearing a skirt and high heels...can you imagine? Everyone just burst out laughing! 

Another incident. There I am walking in town in my high heels on the pavement. Next thing I find myself stepping out of my shoe and find myself with one shoe on and one stockinged foot. I turn around and there is my other shoe stuck in a groove in the pavement! So off I go to retrieve my shoe but cannot get it out of the groove!! I have all these people walking the pavement, hustling and bustling around me and there I am on my haunches trying to get my shoe...

Then, now this was really funny. I lived in a complex where there was a communal wash line. It had rained quite heavily the day before and there were still puddles of water around. So there I am. Hanging the washing. As I was going along the line I had to jump over one huge muddy puddle. Which I did. But, when I landed on the other side of the puddle my feet slipped from under me, it was a muddy patch. I landed flat on my back in this muddy puddle! When I got up again my backside, my back and the back of my head was covered in mud!! Oh my soul what a sight I was...hahaha

The funniest moment I had on the golf driving range. My sister, Angie and I had gone to the golf driving range to drive some golf balls. It was Angie's turn. I was standing to one side. She did her thing and swung at the ball. I looked up and saw the golf ball flying through the air with something next to it, which I thought at first was a bird. I said to Angie "Look at that bird flying next to the ball". I then looked over at Angie and there she was staring at the end of her golf stick...the club was missing!!!! Oh my soul! I was eventually rolling on the ground I was laughing so much...

I could really just about write a book on all the funny and embarrassing things that have happened to me, but I think I will leave it at that for now...teeeheeeheeee

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