Friday, November 9, 2018

A Magical Life

I love how this message resonates 100%!!! I am actually feeling really at peace with what I am doing right now and I am in awe at how I have been led to the resources. I am definitely being guided! I love this feeling I am feeling! It is actually so difficult to explain. It's like this inner peace has just enveloped me completely. It's like a "knowing" that I am on the right track!! 

Today's Daily Angel Card Message for Friday, November 9, 2018

The Fairy Tarot by Radleigh Valentine (Doreen Virtue, PhD)

An opportunity unfolds delightfully to your surprise. Perhaps, you had thought the chance would not be able to happen. Quite a number of reasons had affected your belief, and the opportunity just seemed too daunting. You had no way to get to any of the resources, which would help you reach your goals with any slight possibility of hope. Yet, somewhere in the back of your imagination, something was guiding you. A treasure of love was inspiring your heart to search and to resist giving up no matter how trapped you felt by the conditions of your circumstances. Your connection was stronger than the situation actually revealed. Within the conditions was concealed the virtues you were about to discover as your most enduring assets. When you put your heart into what you wish to accomplish, you are able to call towards yourself support and blessings, which are immeasurable.

The universe is granting you an opportunity to experience the most meaningful and clearest expression of your heart. There may be many other things that come to mind, but to you, it requires a lot of adjustments still for them to occur. This wouldn't be a clear expression of your heart, and this is probably because the meaning is also obscure still. Let these things continue to process and develop until a clear picture is highlighted. Look for the simplicity in a clearer notion you have probably ignored or disregarded possibly because it doesn't represent anything important to your ego. You're not ever seeking to feed its need for validation and feedback from others. Many things aren't clear because they're crisscrossing with other agendas besides your own heart. These criteria create a distortion with the harmony and balance of your own spiritual frequency.

As long as you allow your wires to cross in this way, you will find it difficult to relate to your unique frequency and the freedom of the experience it is expressing. The more you honor yourself it becomes easier to align with your spiritual truth and Divine frequency. As a result, you will less likely cross wires with others that would weigh down your own. The guardian masters surrounding you are encouraging you to remain true to your Divine expression and rhythm, as you will certainly blossom into the role you were meant to fulfill. There are infinite opportunities available to you on your frequency band, and they are fanning out in front of you right this very moment. You may not see them and this causes you a lot of distress. However, you wouldn't find it so frustrating to not observe them, if you weren't aware on some level they exist.

For this reason, it is important that you don't give up on your dreams. You can't fear failure unless deep down you know it's really possible to obtain your desire. You don't fear losing something you don't believe you can't have. It's simply something you laugh at, but it doesn't cause you to lose any sleep worrying over it. The fear of losing something comes only when you know you have so much to gain that it might hurt your heart to not have it. Then, the moment must beg for you to trust that the balance inherent in the universal laws will procure it for you in the best way to prepare you for what you are ready to have. There's no competition, although others may also want what they see you are seeking, and believe that your wish may provide them the happiness they are afraid to discover for themselves. However, this opportunity is just suited to capacity of your soul, and does not accurately reflect the heart of anyone else who might attempt it. It was the same in the Cinderella story, which this illustration recalls in the Nine of Summer (Cups)!

Believe in your happy ending no matter how difficult are the conditions of your situation. The guidance of your heart is offering to you a pathway of hope. Hope is a star of light in any darkness. Pursue its course toward improvements, solutions, and new opportunities. You may not understand where you are headed, but your soul is already manifesting this better position of advantage for you. It is much better to not have the details of the actual itinerary, so that you have the best outcome for the faith you've invested. The investment of your faith will be less prosperous with your knowing of every detail of the itinerary. It will narrow your prospects, and cause you to walk along curated lines that have no room to grow. Through the blindness of your faith, many avenues become available and the returns are immense. Anything is possible through your journey of faith. Now, experience the variety of opportunities which express your faith in your heart! Have a blessed weekend! May the Source be with you always!


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