Monday, December 3, 2018

The Dream, The Goal and The Plan

So relative! Today I had all these intentions of really getting stuck to the grindstone. I have so much I want to get done...and murphy's intentions flew out the window! So many interruptions today it's just not funny...BUT...I took a step back and thought that this could only be happening as this all has to do with timing.

Today's Daily Angel Card Message for Monday, December 3, 2018

The Fairy Tarot by Radleigh Valentine (Doreen Virtue, PhD)

The illustration of the Four of Winter (Swords) provides some insight and advice for how to deal with a situation you feel you're unable to manage at present. The conditions surrounding the situation aren't in a favorable position for you to take the kind of action you'd like. It's possible that your actions might be too hasty as there are other considerations you haven't noticed yet to receive the answers you're seeking. Give yourself some time to learn important lessons because of what's happening. Just because it's not a favorable time or response, doesn't mean that the disadvantages aren't working out something for your benefit. There's nothing that doesn't benefit you, if you keep an open and positive mind towards any situation. You have access to a great storehouse of universal wisdom you've lived along with many other ascended souls. This databank is an unlimited and shared library of enlightenment. When you are feeling like your movements are restricted, this is because you are not flowing in alignment with this knowledge, and the purpose and truth, you're seeking to fulfill. The universe and your higher self has got your back at all times. The flow of alignment is a secure connection you have, and will still continue enjoy. It's a good thing when you recognize that you're missing it and that you never wish to go without it.

Don't be disappointed in yourself or dissatisfied with anyone else when you're not feeling fulfilled by your results or their responses. Take the hint, and figure out how to adjust your perspective and rediscover alignment where it's available. It may happen to come from an unexpected resource. This doesn't mean for you to get there that you have to analyze your steps in a critical manner. Beating up on yourself or anyone else doesn't compel a connection with the enlightenment which can assist you in moving forward again. You're sometimes too focused on identifying mistakes in yourself or another that you miss the point of finding the solution you're really after in the first place. Give yourself a break sometimes, and you'll lay down a whole new neurological network of behaviors and ideas. To do this, you only need to break the habit of the way you react to unfavorable conditions you don't know how to deal with, because of the abruptness or how far out of the scope of your normal practice it may be for you. The new experience of beginnings and changes is something you will need to adjust for, if you are to find a sense of peace with their purpose. It wouldn't occur if there wasn't any benefit to you. No matter how much it may offend you or make you anxious, it's a part of your journey to help you fulfill the hopes and aspirations you have.

To wait would be a primary message and something that's hard to do when you feel you must do something to maintain control of a situation before it gets out of hand. However, if you have a question about a sign, and you need it to give you the green light, it would mean you don't have enough information or keep doing what you do until you have this clear sense of the right moment. Keep in mind, you aren't waiting for the right moment that suits someone else. You are looking for the right timing for you. Not understanding the difference will create confusion and anxiety. This is possibly one reason you are experiencing delays. You might be holding back because of people close to you. All of your concern is about doing the right thing for them, and you've been waiting for it to be the perfect opportunity for everyone. It can happen, but it will also feel right to you, meaning it fits into your sense of timing. Likewise, there are moments or circumstances where this isn't true. You have to trust yourself, meaning your wisdom and truth. It will resonate with you, as in you'll feel a new level of freedom. You have to square things with your heart first. This means that you need to make a decision in your heart. Once you take this action, the external matters will begin to move like pieces on a board. As the universe anticipates your direction and needs, it will help by making adjustments that will continue to create a path of relief and ease. It does this according to how you decide within your heart.

Everything is balanced according to the decision which forms in your heart. You may hesitate or feel you don't have the right because of other people and conditions surrounding you. In the immediate moment, things are not in a position where you can take action, but you can always agree or decide within yourself. Within your soul, you aren't arguing with anyone or the elements involved in the situation. You've set an intention, and made a goal or outline for a plan. You understand that in this silence the universe listens without objection or judgment. It seems natural to our human needs to express everything out into the world for we look to it to be our soundboard. We rely heavily on this feedback and it's validation. It's hard for us to witness the silence within our souls as a voiceless wisdom and truth guiding and revealing without fanfare. It's feedback is neutral. It's not seeking your worship and obedience. It only wishes to share in the experience of whatever joy, peace, and enlightenment you obtain from whatever unfolds, as it's a constant presence of support and unconditional love. The support it enables for your dreams is balanced according to the flow of freedom you allow. Don't take it personally when things aren't going to your satisfaction, and also when everything seems hung up. Love yourself unconditionally and discern what your heart truly wants. It's not telling you what you want, but it's helping you to know, what you already know and feel, that will bring you happiness. It holds the pure intention of your purpose and is helping you to remain clear and focused on this desire.

Out of all that you live, your soul records everything. You discover your desires and wants through loving and living. There are multiple instances where this occurs much under the radar of your awareness. However, the awareness of your soul is attentive and observant. It misses nothing of value to your spiritual light and its development. When you fall in love with an idea, you may not likely remember the purpose, which inspired you and the emotional connection along with it. Your soul prioritizes each of them and places the strongest and clearest at the top of your mind and correlates them to the most open frequency of your heart and its freedom. This for you is like getting drawn into the orbit of a radiant sun, which is summoning you and filling you with vitality, talents, sacred knowledge, and supportive resources. Every idea that drops into your consciousness is an expression of this radiant idea. You may sometimes feel like the rays are bearing down on your back and applying pressure. It's not really. It's just strengthening the connection for you to the idea, the dream, the goal, and the plan, so that you know that you have a hope and a future. It reminds you that you have a purpose, and when it becomes too heavy to bear, it wishes that hopefully you'll take joy in being busy with a meaningful purpose. Have no fear about the silence or stagnation, which the conditions warrant. Now's the time to access your wisdom to make internal decisions. This is where real change happens and is most effective! May the Source be with you always!


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