Sunday, February 23, 2020


Have you ever found yourself choking on your own saliva? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I am sure you have! People choke on their own saliva for different reasons. Maybe wanting to speak too fast out of excitement...or taking a breath before actually swallowing...ok...that sounds a bit obsceneπŸ‘€...but you get what I am getting at. I found myself choking on my own saliva after a sharp in take of breath in surprise at hearing a song that I had not heard in ages! I actually gasped when I heard the song! It kind of caught me off guard I guess, or rather more by surprise. Perhaps because I was possibly at a point in my life where I had put to bed any memories or thoughts relative to this song. If I can even put it that way. How can I explain this? Or maybe I just assumed I would never ever hear the song again. Needless to say, in a way it was really nice hearing the song again after a couple of years of not having heard it. It was almost like it brought different emotions to the surface. Hmmm...this is really difficult to explain. Maybe it will be easier to explain if I ask myself directly: "What did you feel or how did you feel when you heard the song?" My answer is: It felt good. In the past it made me feel sad when I heard the song. I did not feel that sadness this time. In the past I would actually be annoyed that the song brought all these various emotions that I had felt back to the surface. I felt I could relish in the memories this time. I felt happy. The song put a smile on my face! There was no hurt feelings or sadness. I was not annoyed at hearing the song. It really felt great to hear the song again! I even sang along and thoroughly enjoyed it. Almost as if I had a feeling of acceptance that that is what it was...And just like make it new πŸ’₯...good memories! Perhaps the healing has been done! 😊😊😊  

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