Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Dangerous Mind

Osho once said: "The mind, a beautiful servant, a dangerous master". This is quite a powerful quote! It really got me thinking. The stories you tell yourself about who you are affects how dangerous your mind can be.

Most people have all kinds of thoughts on a daily basis, some happy, loving, some sad, depressing, angry, and hateful. What we focus on, our mind gives us more of. So if we are in a good place and loving life, we tend to notice much more good in the world and our mind sends us many more good thoughts. If we have been through hard experiences, our mind can believe all kinds of things about who we are and how the world is. Taken to real extremes we can convince ourselves of all kinds of things. This is where the danger becomes more real. We may want to strike back at a world that seems to be wrong and then thoughts can lead to action that could be very dangerous.

When we focus on bad thoughts after a while it starts to damage our bodies this can lead to a lack of energy, which stops us from doing things, we then get more lethargic and eventually can lead to poor health.

There are healthy thoughts and unhealthy thoughts, so the thing is not to believe most of the negative thoughts we have as most of them are not really true, even if we think they are!

The less we believe these negative thoughts the less we hear them, which leads to a mind that can create amazing things!

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