Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Nothing Is As It Seems

I recently watched a short video on FB about a guy talking about how nothing is as it seems. For the life of me I cannot remember his name now. Someone had forwarded the link to me. He spoke about how South Africa was already sold out in 1985. How our current President is just a puppet dangling at the end of the Puppet Master's strings. I came to this very conclusion when we went into lockdown in March 2020. Every leader in this world is actually just a puppet!! These leaders are all just dancing to the tune of the Puppet Master! Look at the "cuckoo's" that attended the WEF meeting at Davos. These nuts have all lost the plot and have an agenda to control the citizens of this world by taking their freedom away from them. I am just relieved that there are many people who are finally waking up and smelling the roses and seeing these evil elite for what they really are! A bunch of psychos!! I warned friends and family when we went into lockdown but no, I was labelled a "conspiracy theorist". people are seeing the truth about Pfizer. Then I was sent a link to this guy in the US who has a channel on YT. When I first saw one of his videos he was using his name K W Miller. He kept on giving updates about Eskom and how the grid would collapse. He warned his fellow American's and Europeans to get out of South Africa. I kept watching his videos and he soon changed his channel name to "South Africa First". After watching the video of the other guy on FB, I suddenly thought, he has a point about Biden having a set interest here in South Africa. Which made me wonder about K W Miller. Why is this K W Miller so invested in the people of South Africa and Eskom. What does he gain? I also noticed in his last few videos that he kept saying that they are expecting violence to occur "any day now" (in his words) in KZN. I got the feeling that it is almost like he is inciting violence. When I went to his channel on Monday to check if he had any further updates, blow me down with a feather, ALL his videos are gone except for two on farming!! He posts regularly in the community section of his YT channel and I noticed people were also asking where his videos were. He just never responded. Today I see his videos are back! His latest community post reads: "South African Citizens are not prepared for what is coming". My question is...if this guy knows all this, why does he not offer a solution? Why does he not get onto NEWS channels to warn South African citizens. He is creating fear!!! The same as the lockdown created fear!!! Yes, South Africa is a shit hole and it will not get better! Our power grid will most likely collapse! This guy (K W Miller) just does not understand that there is NOTHING we as South African's can do anything to FIX this shit hole. We are 7 million tax payers FEEDING 57 million people!!! We have a government that has robbed South Africa blind! THERE IS NO MONEY to fix this shit hole!! There probably will be a civil war...who knows. Right now we are all just trying to survive each day, trying to work around the load shedding, and dealing with sitting in the dark at night!!!! If this K W Miller says the world is watching and cannot understand why we are not doing anything...then why does the world not come up with a solution??? We as South African's certainly do NOT have a solution!! 

We as South African's sit here trying to survive and then we still have to put up with listening to the crap that goes on in the rest of the world. Look at the Rebel News Reporters, Ezra Levant and Avi Yemini when they try to question Pfizer CEO. I am glad they raised very valid questions which this a-hole just refused to answer. At least they are getting it out into the world about how devious these people are and this includes Billy boy and Fraudci and Klaus!!! All a bunch of sicko's!!! What these 1% don't realise, is that they are all not so young anymore and there are 99% of us to deal with!! Grrrrrr.....this is my rant for the day!! I actually really have no idea what point I was trying to make....this world is just mad...simply put...Nothing is as it seems! Let me listen to my favourite song at the moment...I will post it here in another post. 

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