Friday, November 28, 2014

A Lesson In Life

People come into our lives for a reason and sometimes it is for us to gain a lesson. Sometimes it may be from a person we do not like or someone who caused us pain, but we have to remember that they were also on a path to learn a lesson from us. So if we can look past the hurt and the pain and embrace the lesson then we can exalt ourselves on our path. It’s not really a forgiveness in saying it’s okay what you did but it’s your response to what they did which is the ultimate lesson. So embrace those people in your life and allow that lesson to come in full light because what they taught you gave you strength, wisdom to go forward and to not make those errors again and to not get caught in those traps again. To understand where to draw the line in the sand. The more you concentrate on the hurt and the pain and the suffering you are going through or the chaos you had to endure, the more it stays in your reality. So pay attention to those negative thoughts that you have. Rather focus on the positive thoughts as this will bring healing. Look at the things going on in your life honestly, understanding the lesson of it all. Understanding the shields we have made for ourselves, breaking free of those bonds. Remember you can break free of those bonds at any time and move forward. We need to accept it’s the end of a path. It is time to start anew. It is time to take that step forward. It is time to embrace our lessons, understand them for what they are and exalt ourselves on our path.

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