Sunday, March 12, 2017

Forgiving And Learning

I was once again astounded to receive two messages on one day from different readers! Yes, this is what I do every now and then when I have some time to just chill by myself. I have a keen interest in the Esoteric world. This is something I have enjoyed for many years. I find it very interesting when things come up and you can actually link them. It's almost like the messages follow on from each other. I follow my hunches and randomly select readings and then am completely surprised how they apply to me! 

In the first reading the signs Aries and Scorpio are picked up quite strongly (in the video below) Now my sun sign is Scorpio and my rising sign is Aries plus someone that I care deeply for is a Scorpio. So from about 12:55 in, is where I really took note. Amazing how the Judgement card is linked to the card pulled at 14:11! The card Forgiving and Learning. Then the part about going within and attention to my emotions and what I feel.

Then I randomly selected the next video from Angel Souls. The message from about 02:30 in, came out as Heaven is trying to help you to see a better way and you are just not opening up to it. Then the next instant the SAME card Forgiving and Learning comes up! I was completely bowled over!! It's about having really been hurt by somebody and having some conflict around the whole matter and not finding a solution. You need to call on Archangel Michael to give you clarity and Archangel Raguel to help you harmonise within yourself. The same message about going within came through on the previous reading too. To carry on, so Heaven is trying to make you see that things are not the way that you think they are or because of your pain you are jumping to conclusions about what that persons intentions were. Yes, admittedly I did hear myself think that a couple of times but then dismissed the thought. The message goes on that people get so addicted to being wronged that they expect to being wronged. You have to somehow face the problems. You have to call on Archangel Muriel to help compassion and forgiveness. If you finally let go then new love can come in. Now the next card from the Romance Angels deck was the card Romantic Feelings. The message from there is that if it is an issue with a love partner and the issue can be sorted or resolved, then there is the possibility of rekindling the spark. In terms of being single, it could be you battling yourself and that is why love has not been able to come in. It could be that you have been afraid to love. Maybe you have been hurt or maybe you have been single for so long that you feel that love is just not meant for you. You think you don't fit into that category. Whatever the case may be, Heaven is trying to show you just how worthy you are. The card says "Your feelings are real and are worth exploring". So it comes down to saying to yourself that you can get back in the game. Saying to yourself " I deserve love too". So its either going on a few dates being single, or if its being coupled, then reigniting the passion. But there are still some hurt feelings going on. So if nothing comes to a resolution, then at least you have set the groundwork to get further down the road or working it out. There is a lot of forgiveness that has to happen. Things were said and done. If you make amends with someone who has hurt you, or you have worked through it and you have forgiven, now you might be releasing a block to bring a love partner in. It's all about facing the hurt. It's all about the healing. It's time for healing. If you want to create a new reality you cannot be holding on to old resentments. Have the courage to admit where you were wrong. Admit to where you made some missteps. Maybe you could have given the other person the benefit of the doubt. If you do the work you can capture a sense of self and move on from the hurt. 

So, how do these messages apply to me. Well I am not coupled but I have certainly been hurt. In terms of the forgiveness part. I have done that already. I have forgiven. Going on a few dates perhaps? Not sure about that as right now I am not looking for dates. Have I been single for too long? Yes, perhaps I have. Am I maybe battling myself. I don't know. Perhaps I need to do some soul searching. Am I afraid to love? Perhaps I did in the past. I was afraid of being hurt. However, I have accepted that if you are going to be hurt by someone, it is going to happen and the best is to just accept it, try and resolve it and move on from that. Which I have done. I have accepted the hurt. The reasons behind the hurt I do not know, all I know is I have accepted it and I have forgiven that person. Is there still some healing to be done? Absolutely! Would I be open to resolving the issue with that person? Ofcourse I would! I do not hold grudges against anyone anymore. The message is clear. Forgiving and Learning. My lesson learnt. To accept the hurt. Acknowledge the hurt. Forgive, try and resolve the issue and move forward. If it cannot be resolved then just let it go. Years ago I hung on to the resentment and the hurt which cost me my health. On my part the forgiveness has been done. 

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